Emergency Shelter
Staying at a shelter is just one stop on the journey to ending homelessness.
For UMOM, shelter is a strategy. The moment a family or individual steps into shelter, we listen. We learn who they are and what happened to them. We match services and programs to their needs. With our help, they show us how they will overcome their challenges and, wherever possible, how they will return to the community in a permanent home.
Families and individuals in housing:
Pay taxes
Spend money in our community
Have children who do better in school and in life
Kids who switch schools frequently due to housing instability tend to perform less well in school, are more likely to have learning disabilities and behavioral problems and are much less likely to graduate from high school.
UMOM New Day Centers
For Families, including families of military veterans.
On the UMOM New Day Centers campus, each family lives in a private room. Case managers guide families as they create an individual housing plan – their unique strategy to confront and overcome the challenges that led to experiencing homelessness. Tools and resources, such as the New Day Employment Center, job readiness courses, onsite Boys & Girls club, and more aid clients in finding and keeping a job. A licensed wellness clinic, also on-campus, helps kids and young adults stay healthy and in school.
Halle Women’s Center
For Single Women without children.
Opened in June 2017, the Halle Women’s Center is the first Arizona shelter designed specifically for single women. Before Halle, women experiencing homelessness had a cot on the floor of a multipurpose room with more than 100 other women, received only two meals a day and had to leave the shelter during the day. Now, two or three women share a room with a private bathroom and nutritious meals are served three times a day.
Military Veterans & Families
UMOM is committed to providing services to veteran families in our community struggling with homelessness and has a dedicated team to ensure services are available as needed. Veterans families experiencing homelessness and eligible by VA are immediately put in to emergency shelter or a hotel and begin receiving individualized supportive services such as help with employment, access to healthcare and permanent housing programs that lead to a life of stability.
The life-changing work at UMOM is only possible because of our community partners and supporters. Thank you Carlisle Companies for supporting our veterans services program.