UMOM News & Media Mentions
For comment or story requests, media can get in touch with us here.

Navigating Abrupt Change Requires Leadership to Stay Focused and Adaptable
In leadership, uncertainty isn’t a possibility – it’s a guarantee. And, when it comes, leaders don’t have the luxury of panic.
The latest episode of ‘It Happens at STN’ tackled this reality head-on with UMOM CEO Jackson Fonder and COO Monique Lopez. They shared how leaders can manage unexpected crises while staying disciplined in their strategic vision.

Social Enterprise & Revenue Opportunities for Nonprofits
On the latest episode of “It Happens at STN”, UMOM CEO Jackson Fonder and COO Monique Lopez got into the details of social enterprise: what it is, and what it means for nonprofits like UMOM in terms of revenue opportunities.

Leading in Times of Division
In the “Leading in the Moment” segment of November’s episode of “It Happens at STN”, UMOM CEO Jackson Fonder and COO Monique Lopez, along with Valley Leadership CEO Dave Brown, discussed “agreement” versus “alignment” and how being open to difference of opinion can sometimes bring benefits for the team as a whole.

The Million-Dollar Question: Preparing for Sudden Change
On the latest episode of “It Happens at STN”, UMOM CEO Jackson Fonder and COO Monique Lopez discussed the “million-dollar” question: how best to handle sudden change, especially when it comes to a significant loss or gain in funding.

Navigating Workforce Development in the Digital Age
On the debut of “Leading in the Moment”, a new segment of “It Happens at STN”, UMOM’s CEO Jackson Fonder and COO Monique Lopez joined a panel discussion on what’s behind Arizona’s labor shortage and how to fix it.